Verbal Warfare 3 Is A Wrap!

This past Saturday, we are proud to announce the winners of Verbal Warfare 3 Tag Team edition: Mike Booth and AR from our very own Ever Evolved team! The win was not easy though, beating out 6 other duos that were in attendance, and overall won a cash prize of 400 dollars. The venue, Subterranean in Wicker Park, was well crowded, with at least 75 people in attendance. The team of Ever Evolved, Varie Magazine and J. Norm also had slight success with the raffle, raising 50 dollars for Sacred Transformations. The people that entered and won the raffle were ecstatic about winning their prizes. When the winner for the art piece by Mark, owner of  The Black Couch Studio And Art Gallery was announced, he waved his ticket in the air, so filled with joy that he got to take home the 3 foot beauty. Overall, it was a very successful night for all three teams and we’ll be looking forward to part 4 in the upcoming months.

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